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Blog Posts (43)

  • Discovering the Art of Time Management in Academia with Trello

    Spring is here, and for many of us, it brings a welcome pause from teaching duties. It’s a perfect moment to explore new tools that can make our hectic schedules a bit more manageable, especially when the academic year picks back up. Today, I want to talk about a gem I've found incredibly helpful in my own academic and entrepreneurial journey—Trello. If you're always juggling different tasks and feel like no two days are the same, Trello might just be what you need. What’s Trello? It's a visually intuitive app that helps you organize projects into boards, lists, and cards. You can keep track of everything from research activities to side hustles, all in one place. Why Trello for Us in Academia? Flexible Organization: Whether it’s sorting out conference details, lining up your research ducks, or planning lectures, Trello lets you visualize and manage your projects with ease. Team Collaboration: If you’re collaborating on a research paper or need to sync with your department, Trello’s shared boards streamline communication. Perfect for Side Hustles: Many of us nurture side projects next to our academic roles; Trello’s adaptability makes it an excellent ally. The best part? Trello offers a free version where you can manage up to 10 boards. I’ve been using this version (see image below) and haven’t felt the need to upgrade despite juggling numerous tasks. It’s quite a handy tool for keeping academic and personal life ticking along smoothly, without the pressure of extra fees. Explore Trello with Us Whether you're deep into your academic career or just beginning to nurture your side hustle, Trello can be a transformative tool for managing your complex schedules. If you’re curious about how to maximize its potential, I’ve compiled a selection of resources and guides to help you get started. Check them out, and see how Trello can fit into your workflow! Send me a DM if you want more information. For those who want a deeper dive, keep an eye on my upcoming posts where I’ll share detailed tutorials and advanced tips on making the most of Trello. Whether you're looking to streamline your academic responsibilities or organize that growing side project, there's a way for everyone to benefit from this versatile tool. #AcademicLife #TimeManagement #TrelloForAcademics #HigherEd #AcademicProductivity #SideHustle #ProjectManagement #EdTech #ProfessorJourney #MarinaSilvaOpps #WorkLifeBalance #Trello I'm Dr. Marina Silva-Opps. If you're hungry for more insights on how to share your academic journey, time management, productivity, career success, and personal development, visit my LinkedIn profile, website, or send me a DM. And remember, I'm here to help!

  • From Reactive to Proactive: A More Human Approach to Starting Your Day in Academia

    A client asked me: "Marina, how do you start your day—proactively or reactively?"🤔 One of my clients recently shared his daily struggle of feeling overwhelmed each morning, as if stepping onto a battlefield without a plan, merely reacting to whatever crisis surfaces. He posed a profound question that resonated with me: "Marina, how do you start your day—proactively or reactively?" This is a question that many of us in academia might find all too familiar, especially our younger colleagues who are still learning to manage the flood of responsibilities and the challenge of saying "No." Starting your day reactively means you're constantly at the mercy of unforeseen events, perpetually a step behind. However, being proactive means setting intentions and actions in place beforehand, which helps steer your day rather than being steered by circumstances. Here’s how you can shift towards a more proactive start: Define Your Core Priorities: Begin each morning by identifying one or two main tasks that will anchor your day. These aren't merely items on a to-do list—they're your commitment to directing your day purposefully amidst the academic hustle. Create a Morning Ritual That Energizes You: Whether it’s a brisk walk, meditative breathing, or simply savouring a quiet cup of coffee, find what centres you and dedicate yourself to it (it's a cup of coffee for me!). This isn’t just routine; it’s about claiming a moment of peace before diving into the academic whirlwind. Plan with Time Blocking. Several techniques can be used for this, but time blocking is always my first choice. This technique is crucial not just for managing tasks, but for consciously allocating your energy throughout the day. Schedule time for your planned tasks, and include buffer time for those inevitable academic surprises. Embrace Realism in Your Scheduling: Acknowledge that the day might not unfold as planned. By setting realistic expectations and spacing out tasks, you mitigate pressure and enhance your adaptability. End Your Day with Reflection: Dedicate a few minutes each evening to reflect on what went well and areas for improvement. This practice isn't merely about making adjustments—it’s about evolving your approach to proactively handle each new day in academia. Transitioning from a reactive to a proactive stance requires both intention and practice. It's about making a conscious choice every morning to not just face the day, but to lead it. Let's transform our potential battlefields into gardens of productivity and calm. I’m curious—how do you start your day? Are you more reactive or proactive? What strategies do you use to take control of your mornings? Fellow academics, especially those early in their careers, I’d love to hear your thoughts and strategies.🍊 #MorningRituals #ProactiveOrReactive #TimeManagement #TimeBlocking #DayPriorities #CareerSuccess #Porductivitytips #BeProactive #AcademicLife #ProfessorJourney #AcademicCoaching I'm Dr. Marina Silva-Opps. If you're hungry for more insights on how to share your academic journey, time management, productivity, career success, and personal development, visit my LinkedIn profile, website, or send me a DM. And remember, I'm here to help!

  • Mastering the Side Hustle Blueprint: Vision and Timeframes

    You've pinpointed the essence of your side hustle and have a vivid understanding of your target audience. Kudos to you! These initial strides are commendable. But remember, this is just the beginning. To truly make your side hustle thrive, you must focus on two pivotal elements: crystallizing your vision and setting a pragmatic timeframe. 1. Crystallizing Your Vision The Power of Intention Every triumphant endeavour is rooted in a deep-seated 'why'. This core intention will guide every step you take. Be it the early dawn hours, the late-night grind, or the inevitable hurdles, your 'why' will be the anchor that keeps you steadfast. Categories of Vision Monetary Vision: Maybe you're venturing into this to bolster your finances, accumulate for a dream project, or further your academic pursuits. Put a number to it. What's your financial aspiration on a monthly or annual basis from this hustle? Passionate Vision: Is your side hustle a reflection of a cherished hobby or interest? Do you envision creating a tribe around it, fostering a sense of community, or simply reveling in the joy it brings? Skill Augmentation Vision: This hustle can be your training ground. Whether it's mastering content creation, refining your sales techniques, or any other craft, specify the competencies you're keen to enhance. Gauging Triumph Triumph is a personal metric. What's your yardstick? Is it a clientele count, a financial milestone, or perhaps the heartwarming testimonials of delighted clients? 2. Setting a Pragmatic Timeframe The Essence of Endurance Every monumental success starts with humble beginnings. Recognize that in the realm of side hustles, it's more about the long haul than a mad dash. Segmenting Your Journey Immediate Objectives: These are the goals right at your doorstep. It could be launching your online presence, securing your initial clientele, or finishing a pertinent online tutorial. Aim to tick these off in the coming weeks or months. Intermediate Objectives: These are your horizon goals, achievable in the forthcoming six months to a year. Think along the lines of diversifying your offerings, partnering with industry peers, or reaching a revenue landmark. Distant Objectives: Cast your gaze further. Where do you visualize your hustle in the next couple of years or perhaps a decade? Do you see it evolving into your primary vocation or always complementing your main job? Charting these now can influence your current choices. Embrace Fluidity While having a timeframe is invaluable, agility is equally crucial. The path of entrepreneurship is seldom linear. Periodically revisit your plan, toast to the milestones met, and recalibrate the ones that demand a fresh approach. #AcademicAndEntrepreneur #AcademicCareer #EntrepreneurialAcademic #SideHustle #SideHustleandAcademia #ProfessorJourney #AcademicLife Hi! I'm Dr. Marina Silva-Opps. If you're hungry for more insights on how to share your academic journey, time management, productivity, career success, and personal development, visit my LinkedIn profile and website, where you can explore a wealth of additional content. And remember, I'm here to help!

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Other Pages (12)

  • SERVICES | My Site

    Our Services Welcome to our Academic Career Coaching services! With nearly three decades of experience in academia, I am your dedicated Academic Career Coach, offering specialized support across several key categories: academics at all career stages, graduate students, and an expansive range of services tailored to help you transition to industry roles or realize your entrepreneurial dreams. Whatever your professional aspirations may be, I'm here to assist you in mapping out a personalized action plan that addresses your specific needs and helps you achieve the success you envision. Our Services Academics I offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of academics at all career stages. My approach is strategically designed to provide you with the guidance and support necessary to navigate every phase of your academic and professional journey. A key focus of my coaching is enhancing your personal branding and optimizing your LinkedIn presence, vital tools for expanding your professional network and unlocking new opportunities. Whether you're aiming to boost your productivity, balance your personal and professional life, transition into industry, or pursue entrepreneurial ventures, my coaching is personalized and holistic. I am here to ensure you achieve the success and fulfillment you deserve. GRADUATE STUDENT I provide comprehensive services tailored specifically for graduate students navigating this pivotal stage of their academic journey. Whether you're seeking strategies for effective time management and productivity, need support in managing your research projects, or require guidance on personal branding and expanding your network on LinkedIn to secure the right supervisor or job opportunity, I'm here to assist. My services also cover preparing for your career post-graduation and achieving a balanced study-life dynamic. Let’s work together to lay a solid foundation for your future success. OTHER SERVICES We also offer a wide range of other support options, including meticulous resume review services to help you stand out in your job applications, comprehensive interview preparation to instill confidence and improve your performance, and professional Spanish-to-English manuscript proofreading. We're here to provide well-rounded assistance tailored to your academic and professional needs, turning challenges into opportunities and dreams into reality. CONTACT US

  • Free Resources | Dr Marina Silva-opps - Academic Career Coach

    Free Resources Networking: 5 Effective Strategies to Expand your Academic Circle! Struggling with networking as an introverted academic? If so, I'm offering a FREE GUIDE that outlines 5 highly effective strategies to help you build your professional network with ease . Networking can help your career; use these strategies to succeed. Click the link below to get your hands on this exclusive guide. Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your networking skills and take your academic career to the next level! Mastering Scientific Papers: 12 Steps to Read Like a Pro! My FREE CHECKLIST gives you 12 STEPS to help you overcome the obstacles that come with reading research papers . Whether you're a graduate student or a seasoned academic, my checklist offers valuable tips for improving your reading habits and becoming a more informed and engaged member of your academic community. E-portfolio Template With the growing concern around the overuse of AI resources , I believe that e-portfolios may help to promote the responsible use of technology and encourage students to think critically about their learning. I encourage you to consider incorporating e-portfolios into your courses. ​ Never used e-portfolios? Here is a FREE TEMPLATE that you can adapt to your courses. Ultimate 5-Step Resume Guide Are you a graduate student or a young professional struggling to create a standout resume? My FREE Ultimate 5-Step Resume Guide will take you through the process of crafting a winning resume that will get you noticed by recruiters and land you that dream job. FREE E-BOOK Unlock your full potential as a graduate student with "Mental Tools for Completing Your Thesis or Dissertation." This FREE e-book combines the power of mindfulness and a growth mindset to help you tackle the most common challenges faced during the thesis or dissertation writing process. Packed with actionable tips, strategies, and real-life examples, this e-book will transform your academic journey and set you on the path to success.

  • TERMS & PRIVACY | My Site

    TERMS & PRIVACY At OrangeInspire Academic Coaching, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this privacy policy. This policy describes: Introduction The types of information we may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit our website or use our services. Our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information. 1. Information We Collect We may collect personal information, such as name, email address, phone number, and other relevant details when you register for our services, sign up for newsletters, respond to surveys, or otherwise communicate with us. 2. How We Use Your Information We use your information to: Provide and improve our services. Respond to your requests, questions, and concerns. Send you information regarding changes to our terms, conditions, and policies. 3. Disclosure of Your Information We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others. We may share your information with trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or serving you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. 4. Children Under 13 Our services are not intended for children under 13 years of age, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. 5. Changes to Our Privacy Policy We may update our privacy policy from time to time. If we make material changes to how we treat our users' personal information, we will notify you through a notice on the website's home page. 6. Contact Information For any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at : Terms of Service of OrangeInspire Academic Coaching 1. Acceptance of Terms By using our website and services, you agree to these Terms of Service. 2. Use of the Service You agree to use the service in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. 3. Changes to the Terms We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time. Your continued use of our services constitutes your agreement to the updated Terms. 4. Limitation of Liability To the extent permitted by law, OrangeInspire Academic Coaching shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages. 5. Governing Law These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Prince Edward Island and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. 6. Contact Information For any questions about these Terms of Service, please contact us at:

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